Βρήκα το παρακάτω άρθρο από το emarketer.com το οποίο βρήκα πολύ ενδιαφέρον για την σημασία του Curated e-Commerce σαν "αναγκαία" στρατηγική για τα ηλεκτρονικά καταστήματα. Ουσιαστικά, αυτό που λέει είναι πως με λιγότερη προσπάθεια και με πιο προσωπικές επιλογές, πάνω στο site, μπορείς να προσφέρεις τελικά... πολλά περισσότερα στους πελάτες/επισκέπτες σου!
Το κείμενο το αφήνω όπως έχει παρακάτω (...όχι ότι βαριόμουνα να κάνω μια μικρή απόδοση...αλλά λέμε τώρα ;-)
"In a world where an online search can turn up thousands of products, limited selections can help shoppers decide to buy
As the internet matures and expands, the number of choices available to users grows exponentially. Invariably, more solutions arise to tame the clutter. In the early days of the web, portals like Yahoo! touted hand-picked sites bundled into browsable categories. Over time, though, human curation was all but replaced by algorithm-based searching.
Yet most trends go in cycles, and this is proving true for ecommerce. Despite retailers’ quest for the ultimate Netflix-style automated, personalized recommendation system, and Facebook’s promise of using its “Open Graph” to pair people to products with greater precision, there has been a simultaneous rise in sites that provide hand-picked item selections and online retail models offering fewer products instead of more.
“Curated ecommerce is becoming recognized by both retailers and shoppers for its simplicity and ability to help fill an online void,” said Krista Garcia, eMarketer analyst and author of the new report, “Curated Ecommerce: How Less Can Be More for Shoppers.” “There will always be a place for comprehensive, multicategory retail sites, but fine-tuned collections enhanced by personal touches also perform a necessary function in the ecommerce ecosystem.”
Sites surveyed by the e-tailing group in Q4 2011 reported online curation was a growing merchandising tactic. Organizing items into branded sections was their leading approach to curation (89%), and the similar concept of grouping products according to themes experienced a 64% increase in adoption, the largest increase among tactics used.
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